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Child Safety

National Principles for Child Safe Organisations

NT Friendship & Support is committed to working within the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. The principles aim to provide a nationally consistent approach to creating an organisational culture that promotes and upholds child safety and wellbeing. You can view the principles here. 



Care and Protection of Children Act 

Out of Home Care Standards  

Disability Standards 

Mandatory Reporting 

NT Anti Discrimination commission 

Charter of Rights for Children in care in the Northern Territory


Reporting Child Abuse

You must report your concern if you believe a child has been or is being neglected or abused. This is a legal responsibility under the Care and Protection of Children Act 2007 and is called mandatory reporting.

Your report can protect a child and provide support for a family. It may even save a child’s life.

Who do you report child abuse to? 

In an emergency call 000 and ask for police.

If it is not an emergency call police on 131 444.

You can also report suspected child abuse and neglect to:

  • the Child Abuse Hotline on 1800 700 250

  • Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000

Laughing Child

Child Safety is everyone’s responsibility. Find out how you can keep your children and the children in our communities safe using the resources in this section, or contact us today.


There are a number of acts and standards which guide our services with children. You can find out more about each of these on the links below. 

NT Friendship & Support Inc. 


Alice Springs



Phone: (08) 8971 0027


Head Office - 11 Second Street

EquliTEA Office - 3/20 First Street

Alice Springs: 9 Undoolya Road

Darwin: 17/16 Charlton Court, Woolner

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